Thanks David, but I think you missed the point:
My problem is skipping audio while recording through the sound card.  The 
stuff about the CD drive and mp3 files is extra info which, if related, 
might help anyone to diagnose.  I have already implemented the cure for the 
slow CD drive by copying files to the hard drive as you suggested--when 

I do have several desktop machines of the same or earlier vintage that 
record without a problem; so there's no reason that this laptop shouldn't do 
the same.  I just don't know everything about the possible settings.

Howard K Traxler, Traxler Enterprises
Adaptive technology sales, setup, and training since 1989.
Phone:  (414) 456-1999
An e-mail link can be found on my web site at:
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Tanner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 10:52 PM
Subject: Re: recording on my thinkpad skips

: You have a host of issues.
: I would say the primary problem is listening from cd, which is the primary 
reason for the problem.
: Here would be my recommendation, but it isn't necessarily a cheap one.
: 1.  upgrade to Windows XP.
: 2. Upgrade go Goldwave 5.14 (current version).
: 3. Upgrade Winamp to version 5.2.
: 4. Once you have Goldwave 5.14 you can take the audio from the cd and save 
it on your hard drive as an mp3 file so that you don't have to deal with the 
issues involved reading from the cd while reading.
: The biggest problem is that I am guessing the cd drive reads at a fairly 
slow rate, and it cannot read fast enough to keep up with the speed at which 
the audio is going out.  So, yes there is a buffer issue, but it is caused 
by a slow cd drive.
: ----- Original Message ----- 
: From: "Howard Traxler" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
: Sent: Friday, June 16, 2006 7:49 AM
: Subject: recording on my thinkpad skips
:: Hello all, wonder if anyone can help?
:: I have a thinkpad that's a few years old; trying to record audio through 
:: sound card.  The recording skips occasionally.  Not terrible, just enough 
:: be annoying.
:: Thinkpad running win 98 SE, using GoldWave 4.26 to record.
:: Here's maybe a clue to the problem:  when i listen to long audio (winamp
:: 2.9) files (half hour radio shows, etc.) there are long pauses in 
:: while the cd is being read--this doesn't happen when the file is on the 
:: drive.  I think it must have something to do with buffering?
:: Help, please?
:: Howard K Traxler, Traxler Enterprises
:: Adaptive technology sales, setup, and training since 1989.
:: Phone:  (414) 456-1999
:: Website:
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