you will hear the output of whatever sound source you select within your 
recording device. Each software is a little differant, but basically that is 
the case.

If you are tring to use two differant sound cards to avoid feedback, because 
you are recording through a mic, that won't work. (i mention this because I 
don't know why you'd need two differant sound cards). If you want to hear 
the output of a project recorded through a mic, use headphones instead of 
speakers  for monitoring.l

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Anders Holmberg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 5:26 AM
Subject: Beginning to give up when my questions not beeing answerd but 

> HellO!
> Ok its really frustrating when you ask a question and you dont get them 
> answererd.
> THis is the 4-th question in 1 month i ask which i hope will be answererd.
> Maybe my questions are to complex or maybe im not getting through.
> But instead of picking on folks i ask another one.
> Lets say i have set goldwave or whatever soundrecording software to record 
> from one sound card and have another soundcard as a playback sound device.
> Is it then possible to hear through the playback device what you are 
> recording from the recording device?
> A kind of monitor option.
> Thanks.
> /Anders.
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