YesIf I keep the Audigy.  I'm looking at the Griffin Technology - iMic USB 
for basic audio and speech.

----- Original Message ----- 
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>

> Have you checked into using an external sound card?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Bobcat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>I recently was told by  Hp support that they do not support two sound
>> I don't have official email about this but was told by a support
>> supervisor
>> that they can not help me if I want to use a second audio card at the 
>> same
>> time.
>> Today, Creative support emailed me and also told me Creative does not
>> support two sound cards.
>> Neither company has given me a reason why they do not support two sound
>> cards or how one device can cause the other not to work properly.
>> It seems Creative can not help me with any problems I might have running
>> the
>> other card even if it is caused by updating their drivers.
>> Creative support told me to update the drivers to fix another problem.
>> Now
>> I've lost the ability to use the first sound card (Realtek AC'97) for
>> speech
>> and system sounds again.
>> Needless to say, I will be ditching the Audigy 4 Pro even though it has 
>> so
>> many great features and does sound good.  I will probably buy a USB sound
>> device to use for speech or even get a serial port adaptor so I can run 
>> my
>> LiteTalk on this computer.  I know many people have run down Creative
>> sound
>> cards on this list before but they never really gave good reasons so I
>> didn't pay much attention.  Now I wish I had.
>> I will never buy another HP product.  I advise any blind people not to 
>> buy
>> HP computers if they wish to run more than one sound card.

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