Winamp version 5.23 Build 666 Beta is now available and one place 
where you can download it from is at  Here are the changes in this version:

Improved: [gen_jumpex] jump-to-file speed improvements
Fixed: playlist saving with network share files
Fixed: Media Library preferences not loading in correct order
Fixed: main window not hilited when restoring from minimized state in 
classic skin
Fixed: slow loading of playlists with URLs
Fixed: CD burning using third party input plugins
Fixed: classic skin winshade playlist time display
Fixed: [gen_ff] Wasabi XML font-related fixes from Martin Poehlmann
Fixed: [gen_ff] Map.getHeight() maki script function returning width instead
Fixed: [gen_ff] winshade global hotkeys broken w/ modern skins
Fixed: [gen_jumpex] 'Add to Queue' issues
Fixed: [gen_jumpex] NT4 incompatability
Fixed: [gen_jumpex] misc bug fixes
Fixed: [gen_ml] icon changes on drag+drop items
Fixed: [in_mp3] playback of AAC streams
Fixed: [in_mp4] seek bug when using right arrow key
Fixed: [in_wm] Playback restarts from beginning when editing tags of 
a currently
playing .wma file
Fixed: [in_wm] protocol/extension reversed in config > filetype > edit
Fixed: [in_wm] 'Audio only' always checked for ASF/WMV in config
Fixed: [in_wm] seek bug when using right arrow key
Fixed: [ml_bookmarks] 'Edit Bookmarks' menu item not working when 
Media Library is
Fixed: [ml_local] crash while rearranging media library views
Fixed: [ml_local] crash on close
Fixed: [ml_local] sort arrow reversed in some columns
Fixed: [ml_playlists] Import Playlists uses containing dir for title 
instead of filename
Fixed: [ml_playlists] No "Recurse" checkbox in Import Playlists From Folder
Fixed: [ml_playlists] Add Dir adds all filetypes (not just all-supported)
Fixed: [ml_playlists] rt-click enqueue not working & other issues
Fixed: [ml_playlists] Not saving playlists in some situations
Fixed: [ml_playlists] crash when loading badly formed WPL playlists
Fixed: [ml_playlists] drag&drop into playlist not adding to correct position
Fixed: [ml_playlists] root playlist screen not updating when adding 
new playlist
Fixed: [ml_playlists] reverting changes on send-to: playlist
Fixed: [ml_wire] some podcasts only display one item
Fixed: [out_ds] stop with fade (shift+v) issue
Updated: [in_cdda] CDDB

Regards Steve
Skype:  steve1963

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