I say Jack is better taken to the web or sat radio where people would want 
nothing but music and a few messages. Music choice is OK, but that's TV 
audio that isn't that great, really.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bob Seed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: broadcasting question

>I have worked in the broadcast industry for over thirty years and have
> always maintained that live and local is the best. Although we often like 
> to
> go abroad and explore and want to find out what is going on around the 
> world
> we usually come back home to explore our local roots looking for 
> information
> in regards to what is going on in our home community.
> Is there a baseball tournament taking place tonight at our local community
> baseball field?
> Is it going to rain today? What is in the long-range forecast for the next
> three days?
> The thing here is that live and local programming costs money, and the big
> boys of broadcasting are, for the most part not willing to fork out the
> bucks to pay for this talent. They want the easy way out, and that is 
> simply
> by playing gobs of music. I am not against music, but feel that a healthy
> balance of local and relevant information and a good blend of music has to
> be reached. Radio has personality, and we should strive to get that point
> across to our listeners. What annoys me the most are those classic lines,
> such as: "just around the corner we are going to hear from the Beatles."
> Exactly what do they mean by saying just around the corner? You hear these
> lines on just about every station. This tells me that stations are copping
> one another in order to get audience share. The Jack format is yet another
> bug a boo with me as well. I am afraid that the Jack format has warn out
> it's welcome. You can only use those canned messages for so long and the
> audience gets tired of them, and will simply move on to another radio
> station that has intelligent programming.
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Tate Luck" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 8:41 AM
> Subject: RE: broadcasting question
>>I have both satellite services.
>> I believe you can have 300 stations and unless you are relevant know one
>> will care for very long.
>> Most stations are music services and hear lies the problem.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> On Behalf Of Bob Seed
>> Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 12:40 AM
>> To: PC audio discussion list.
>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>> I think that before the end of the year I will be going that way as well.
>> Do
>> not like terrestrial radio.
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "Chuck Adkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 11:26 PM
>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>> That's one reason I stick with my XMPCR device. Not portable, but with 
>>> an
>>> FM
>>> transmitter I can hear it around the house. I do like being able to read
>>> the
>>> text of all the channels.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Bob Seed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 8:03 PM
>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>I don't think that it will be too long before a talking receiver will be
>>>> available. To me it would be nothing more than converting the text
>>>> information on the screen to speech.
>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>> From: "Brent Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 6:48 PM
>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>> That's the thing I hate about XM is not knowing what that song was 
>>>>> they
>>>>> just
>>>>> played on a channel I like.
>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>> From: "Bob Seed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 4:22 PM
>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>> The problem with DAB is that nobody can agree to a Northamerican
>>>>>> standard.
>>>>>> We all know what happened to AM stereo. The consumer will ultimately
>>>>>> determine whether DAB is going to take off or not. I honestly can't
>>>>>> see
>>>>>> people  running out to buy new receivers. What you will see is that
>>>>>> there
>>>>>> will be a move to the FM band  with all stations gradually converting
>>>>>> over
>>>>>> to DAB. There will be no need for announcers on a fulltime bases, as
>>>>>> song
>>>>>> title, artist, and other information will be displayed on a screen in
>>>>>> much
>>>>>> the same format as is being used with XM and Sirious. I can see
>>>>>> commercial
>>>>>> content going this way as well, as many of us see commercials as an
>>>>>> intrusion as apposed to providing a service Talk radio will survive,
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> future of commercial music stations looks bleak. The shift is towards
>>>>>> downloading of MP3 files, and blog newscasts. With digital
>>>>>> broadcasting
>>>>>> it
>>>>>> will be possible for you to customize the delivery of information
>>>>>> according
>>>>>> to your needs. If you want to hear the 8:00 AM news at 8:15 that will
>>>>>> be
>>>>>> possible simply by entering an assigned code on a keypad. You will
>>>>>> probably
>>>>>> have a choice on who will deliver the news to your receiver. The
>>>>>> possibilities are limitless. Another plus is that you will be able to
>>>>>> listen
>>>>>> to NPR from coast to coast without missing a beat. You will simply
>>>>>> move
>>>>>> from
>>>>>> one cell to another, and the radio will do that for you 
>>>>>> automatically.
>>>>>> .
>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>> From: "Dave Marthouse" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 3:30 PM
>>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>> The reason why lots of am stations are tailoring their audio 
>>>>>>> response
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>> 5KHZ is to make room for the IBOC signal.  IBOC is in band on 
>>>>>>> channel
>>>>>>> digital audio broadcasting.  The current hybrid form of IBOC being
>>>>>>> used
>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>> the united states takes up the sidebands above the 5KHZ bandwidth.
>>>>>>> Dave Marthouse
>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>> From: "Chuck Adkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 3:00 PM
>>>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> Yes, that's true. But in most cases, they already had the audio
>>>>>>>> response
>>>>>>>> necessary. They already had good response before the made it 5KHZ.
>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> From: "Bob Seed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:50 PM
>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> > The frequency response on AM radio isn't that good to begin with,
>>>>>>>> > and
>>>>>>>> > it
>>>>>>>> > is
>>>>>>>> > certainly not worth  spending the money to enhance the audio. The
>>>>>>> thinking
>>>>>>>> > here is to produce a signal that has a flat response and leave 
>>>>>>>> > the
>>>>>>>> > other
>>>>>>>> > adjustments to the listener. However on FM it is a  different
>>>>>>>> > story.
>>>>>>>> > Audio processing can now be done remotely from the desktop, and
>>>>>>>> > can
>>>>>>>> > be
>>>>>>>> > adjusted to fit a number of different formats.
>>>>>>>> > ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> > From: "Chuck Adkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> > To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> > Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 2:33 PM
>>>>>>>> > Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>> >> Yes, an engineer told me that he set his station audio for 6KHZ
>>>>>>>> >> audio
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >> he
>>>>>>>> >> runs an analog station which touts music. Go figure.
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >> From: "Brent Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 12:40 PM
>>>>>>>> >> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>
>>>>>>>> >>> Well, AM is almost as low quality sounding as the telephone but
>>>>>>>> >>> it
>>>>>>>> >>> has
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> >>> different sort of sound to it. I suppose they need that
>>>>>>>> >>> bandwidth
>>>>>>>> >>> for
>>>>>>>> >>> the
>>>>>>>> >>> IBOC. I thought normal was a 10K limit and now down to 5, 
>>>>>>>> >>> that's
>>>>>>>> >>> a
>>>>>>>> >>> lot
>>>>>>>> >>> of
>>>>>>>> >>> difference, in theory.
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>> From: "Chuck Adkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:08 AM
>>>>>>>> >>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Well, they tell me that it cuts down on AM splatter. I am
>>>>>>>> >>>> amazed
>>>>>>>> >>>> that
>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> >>>> station here WMNI who touts their music is now using the 5khz
>>>>>>>> >>>> audio.
>>>>>>>> >>>> The
>>>>>>>> >>>> transmitters that do analog and IBOC have a setting for 5KHZ
>>>>>>>> >>>> which
>>>>>>>> >>>> is
>>>>>>>> >>>> what
>>>>>>>> >>>> their analog signal gives you when they are using IBOC.
>>>>>>>> >>>> Engineers
>>>>>>> tell
>>>>>>>> >>>> me
>>>>>>>> >>>> that they are going to that because everyone else is and they
>>>>>>>> >>>> say
>>>>>>> "it's
>>>>>>>> >>>> good
>>>>>>>> >>>> enough." There is no hearing advantage to the 5KHZ audio, just
>>>>>>>> >>>> tech
>>>>>>>> >>>> advantages from what I can tell. AM engineers don't feel the
>>>>>>>> >>>> need
>>>>>>>> >>>> anymore
>>>>>>>> >>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>> sound as good as they can, they just seem to want to sound 
>>>>>>>> >>>> like
>>>>>>>> >>>> everyone
>>>>>>>> >>>> else.
>>>>>>>> >>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>> From: "Brent Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 10:57 AM
>>>>>>>> >>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>I wonder what is better about 5k AM?
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>>> From: "Chuck Adkins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Sent: Saturday, May 27, 2006 4:40 AM
>>>>>>>> >>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Bob, you make a number of great points. I read something a
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> few
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> days
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> ago
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> where a broadcaster mentioned he lived in a small town and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> his
>>>>>>> local
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> station
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> was bought by you know who and they've gone all satellite
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> talk
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> very
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> little local programming. It was on AM and of course, had
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Damn
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> 5khz
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> audio the AM engineers have  fallen in love with. He then
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> decided
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> get
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> XM.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Whey? As he put it, "whey not have the same thing, more
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> variety,
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> better
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> audio." True, this is only one but, one and one make two,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> which
>>>>>>> makes
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> four,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> which makes 8, you get my point. These greedy short term
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> thinking
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> broadcasters may not get it before it's too late, if it
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> already
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> isn't.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> My
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> 11
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> year old grandson doesn't care about radio at all. I am 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> aware
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> of
>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> kids
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> his age who don't know the first thing about radio, but they
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> know
>>>>>>> how
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> download music.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> I think you will find very interesting.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> From: "Bob Seed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 11:20 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> It is possible that they may have some live programming in
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> prime
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> time,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> but
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> would venture to say that in off hours it is 100%
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> automation.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> When
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> raining cats and dogs and the announcer says that it is
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> bright
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> sunny
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> know damn well that the station is on automatic pilot. Not
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> programming
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> as far as I am  concerned. besides I probably have more
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> songs
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> on
>>>>>>> my
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> ipod
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> than most stations have on their play list.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> From: "Brent Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 10:48 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Well, I think they are required to be auto for a certain
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> period,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> then
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> they
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> have DJ's. I know Kjac is one station of the Jac format
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> jocks
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> on.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> When I first tried listening to it though, it was all
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> music.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> From: "Bob Seed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 7:17 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>I personally know of a number of stations in Canada that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>are
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>operated
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> completely by one person. Most of the work is contracted
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> order
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> save money. Take for an example the Jack format. The
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> format
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> become
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> popular in both the  United States and Canada. The
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> stations
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> bought
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> rights to the format cleaned house, and rely completely 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Jack
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> radio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> automation 24/7. Just load the computer and the program
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> runs
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> indefinitely.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Why hire people when Jack can do the job. This of course
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> does
>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> radio, but try to convince the owners of such stations
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> a human element to overlook things. .
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> I think that it was Lord Thompson that said "Owning a
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> radio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> station
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> licence
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> is like having a licence to print money."
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> From: "Gary Wood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 7:45 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> But it seems that if radio stations are relying heavily
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> computers
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> days, that they should be able to use accessible
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> equipment
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> more
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> people can take advantage of a dream to get on the radio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> world!
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> From: "Bob Seed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 8:33 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> That amount of money could easily buy an entire radio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> station
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> including
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> building that it is housed in. Unfortunately the vast
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> majority
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> broadcasters are not willing to pay for the cost of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> adaptive
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> equipment
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> nor
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> are they willing to modify their equipment in order to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> provide
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> workplace
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> accommodation. With the introduction of computers into
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> broadcast
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> environment the industry has changed from a hands on
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> user
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> friendly
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> workplace
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> to one that in today's world looks more like a
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> television
>>>>>>> studio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> with
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> several monitors that have to be viewed constantly in
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> order
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> make
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> sure
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> that all operating functions are carried out 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> flawlessly.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> anything from: the regular play list, transmitter
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> functions,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> news
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> feeds,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> station traffic and scheduling, and in many small
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> markets
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> reading
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> news and commercials. If you really want to get a taste
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> what
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> radio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> all about I would suggest visiting a radio station in
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>> area
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> talk
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the staff, and from there you will get a feeling if 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> right
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> business for you to be getting into. Another idea is to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> find
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> not
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> profit community radio station that is run by
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> volunteers.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Volunteers
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> will
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> often take the time to show you the ropes of the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> industry.
>>>>>>> many
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> these
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> small stations are  hands on operations without a lot 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> computer
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> equipment
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> and software programs. In most cases there is a small
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> eight
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> input
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> control
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> board with a telephone hybrid and a couple of CD and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> cassette
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> players.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> This
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> in my opinion is a foot in the door as they say. An
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> online
>>>>>>> radio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> station
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> or
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> signing up to perform in announcing function or host on
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> ACB
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> radio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> yet
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> another option that should seriously be considered. The
>>>>>>> downside
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> broadcast industry is that most radio stations are
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> automated
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> unfortunately do not require staffing levels that we
>>>>>>> experienced
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> five
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> ten
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> years ago. The bottom line here is that you are going 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> your
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> homework and figure out what exactly your strong points
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> work
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> on
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> them. Do you feel that you would make a good
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> announcer/host?
>>>>>>> Do
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> feel
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> that you have the skills to write a intelligent news
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> story
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> do
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> all
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> research behind the story that you are researching? Are
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> capable
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> writing copy for commercials? How about your production
>>>>>>> skills.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Do
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the production skills to do electronic editing on the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> fly?
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> The
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> broadcast
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> industry is very demanding and expects most of us that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> worked
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> in
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> industry to be multitask. Personally I have worked in
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> industry
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> for
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> over thirty years and got out of the business just 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> computers and radio automation took over.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> ----
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> From: "Brent Harding" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 7:00 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>> Subject: Re: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Wow! $500,000 would buy an awful lot of equipment. I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> no
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> studio
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> worth that much in equipment alone unless one was
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> talking
>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> buying
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> an
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> actual building.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> From: "Brandon Hicks" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. "
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> <pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 5:31 PM
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>> Subject: broadcasting question
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> hi list,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I'm interested in going into radio broadcasting. I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>> there
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> are
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> people
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> out
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> there who have done it, so I emailed a local school
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> teaches
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> course
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> for broadcasting. here is the reply I received when I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> asked
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> about
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> blind
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> person attending.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Brandon, sorry about the delay in getting back to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> you.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Unfortunately
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> this
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> is not a program that is suitable to the visually
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> impaired.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mainly
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> because
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the cost of accomodating the expense of required
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> equipment
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> exceed
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> over
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> $500,000.00.  Not only the expense, but radio 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> stations
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> their
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> corporate
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> ownership will never incur such an expense, nor is it
>>>>>>> feasible
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> create
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> studio suitable for this. I understand your
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> disappointment,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> however,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wanted
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to be very honest with you regarding the reality of
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> this.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> truly
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> wish
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> well in all of your future endeavors and if there is
>>>>>>> anything
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> require
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> further information on, please feel free to email or
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> call
>>>>>>> me.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Once
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> again,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> thank you for your interest in CSMB.
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Regards
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Jacquie Hammond
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> President/CSMB
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Now what is this 500 thousand dollar cost all about? 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> able
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> to,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> as
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> far as I know and I did visit a radio studio to use
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> mixing
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> boards,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> and
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> they use windows software for the playlist editing, 
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> so
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> it
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> would
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> a
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> simple
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> matter of creating scripts. I'm quite curious to see,
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> has
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> anyone
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> got
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> any
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> clues?
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> thanks
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Brandon Hicks
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Skype: callto://reyuth
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>> offer, visit us on the web at http://www.MosenExplosion.com
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> This list is a service of MosenExplosion.com. To see what other lists we 
> offer, visit us on the web at http://www.MosenExplosion.com

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