It sounds like that you are amply covered with XM quality sound!
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Wes Derby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Saturday, April 29, 2006 2:06 AM
Subject: Re: Debating on whether to get XM, some info needed

> Hi Kevin.
> Okay, let's see if I can help you...Others may have already, but here's my
> opinion.
> I'm on the bottom floor of a 3-story apartment building in Everett,
> Washington.  With my home stereo, I have a MyFi hooked up, and my antenna 
> on
> top of the stereo speaker which is on a wall next to a window...I have NO
> clue what direction it's facing, and I have a perfect signal.  They say to
> point it south...I'll admit, I couldn't tell you what direction it's 
> pointed
> in if my life depended on it.
> In my bedroom, I have the SkyFi with the SkyFi boombox...The antenna's 
> kind
> of up against a wall, and my signal is great.  The boombox I have (the
> DelPhi one) does have a headphone jack.  Before I got the MyFi, this one 
> was
> hooked up to my home stereo with an RCA plug plugged into the headphone 
> jack
> of the boombox, and the two plugs plugged into the back of my stereo, and 
> I
> had a great signal.
> We also have the car kit for the SkyFi installed in our van, and my wife 
> and
> I get a great signal no matter where we are, even in the Cascades, heading
> to central Washington.  The ONLY place I lose my signal is northbound on 
> I-5
> near Fort Lewis, and even that loss is only a few seconds.  We travel this
> route between Portland Oregon and Seattle quite a bit.  For some reason, I
> have no signal issues going from Seattle TO Portland though.
> As far as the repeaters go, check out the message boards at
> I'm sure someone there would be happy to check the map for you and let you
> know abought the Raleigh-Durham area...In fact, there are plenty of
> subscribers on the boards from that area.  Registration is free, and 
> unlike
>, they don't have one of those "Copy the text in the graphic"
> annoyances from what I recall.  And if they do, they'll be willing to help
> you around that.  Unfortunately, calling XM's customer service might not 
> be
> a great idea...Most of the reps I've talked to have tended to be in Canada
> or one of the Island nations, are not XM subscribers, and are not very
> helpful...Although, now that XM is available legally in Canada, this may
> have changed.  You can call them at 800-967-2346.
> Hope that helps.
> Visit my Myspace:
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Kevin Minor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "PC audio discussion list." <>
> Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2006 7:47 PM
> Subject: Debating on whether to get XM, some info needed
>> Hi.
>> With the recent discussion about XM on the list, I am seriously
>> considering
>> getting subscribed to it.  I do have some questions that will influence 
>> my
>> decision.
>> First, how well do the repeaters work?  I am in a basement apartment, and
>> I'm not sure if my unit faces the right way.  Assuming there is a 
>> repeater
>> in my location, Raleigh, North Carolina, how good a signal should I
>> expect?
>> Could I leave the antenna inside the apartment and still receive a 
>> signal?
>> Speaking of repeaters, is there a site where I can learn of repeater
>> locations?  I have looked with a search engine, but all I find are maps 
>> of
>> locations, which doesn't do me a lot of good.
>> My second main question deals with the boom box XM receiver.  Does it 
>> have
>> a
>> headphone jack?  If it doesn't, I may look at buying the home receiver
>> model, and take it with me to use in other locations.
>> Just curious.  I've heard some XM channels before, and I like the mix of
>> music on them.
>> Thanks in advance for any info.
>> Kevin Minor
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