the current version is 7.5. you download it from the same site as the other 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "joanne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "pc-audio" <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 11:56 AM
Subject: how to check for updates with replay AV

>I had a problem with something not recording in Replay Radio AV, and Tech
> Support said to try upgrading to 7.0B and even gave me a direct link to 
> the
> download.  But when I tried to save the download it said the download
> already existed, so either I have this upgrade with the B after the 0 or
> there's another place I need to go to find it.  Since there are no alt 
> menus
> you can use with Replay AV, how can I check to see if I do in fact have 
> the
> latest version?  I don't see a place where it will tell me the version
> number.  And if I don't have the latest, how would I get it?  The download
> link she pointed me to looks like the same one I used to download the
> program, and I shouldn't have to re-download the entire program, should I?
> Thanks.
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