Yes Chris, got that error message once.
Thanks for all of your advice on this.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Chris Skarstad
Sent: Thursday, March 09, 2006 11:47 AM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Re: replay radio problems

hi Ray

I didn't know this until another list member clued me in, but 
aparentlysome streams*have* to be recorded via your sound card 
because they're protected by what is called a broadcast flag. So for 
these streams, what I would do is just record those through your 
sound card, and for others, try different streams.  For me, the 
capture as mp3 has worked almost every time accept for once, when 
Replay AV gave me an error message about converting to 
mp3.  Aparently there's a bit of an issue with converting some real 
audio streams to mp3. Hopefully the replay folks can work on making 
it more reliable.  Anyways, just keep at it, and go into your 
settings and make sure that you don't have Replay AV set up so that 
it splits files on its own. if it loses the connection to the stream 
then obviously it's going to create another file when it picks up the 
stream, but if you leave all the choices in that section at the 
defaults, you should be fine.

At 07:56 AM 3/9/2006, you wrote:
>Well, finally, finally recorded something with replay.
>Recorded cbs news from kcbs from 7:00 to 7:06 PM.
>It records fine using audio output with your sound card.
>But only records 3 seconds using capture by downloading.
>That's all I know right now.
>Ray Slaton
>Enterprise Information Technology Services
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