Hi Betsy.

9.16.4. Automatically Dropping Que Points into Spaces in Music

Files and at Specified Intervals in a file


If you have a whole recorded album of several tracks in a single

file and you would like to automatically detect the silent spaces

between each individual track and get a que point dropped in the

middle of these silent spaces you can do so. You might want to

do this prior to then using the "Split Files" feature which is

also in the Edit, Que Points sub-menu.  Do this by:


1. With your whole file album of tracks open, press ALT E, O and

then ENTER.


2. SHIFT TAB back to "Auto Que" and press ENTER.


3. You should be in the "Mark Silence" sheet but if you are not,

press CONTROL TAB to get there.


4. By default, spaces of at least 1.5 seconds only will get que

points inserted into them. You can change some of these

parameters if you like, e.g. change the 1.5 to 1.0 for one minute

if the album you are automatically dropping que points into has

only short gaps between tracks. When finished, just press ENTER

to start the procedure.


5. TAB to "Close" and press ENTER.



9.16.5. Using Que Points to Split a file or Album into Several

Separate Files or Tracks


If you would like to split a long file into separate individual

files, such as sections, chapters or separate music tracks from

a single track recorded album, you can do this provided that your

sound file is in one of a few formats, including WAV and Apple

formats. Do this by:  


1. If your file has not already had que points dropped in it in

the appropriate places, e.g. between music tracks, do this first.


2. With your long speech file or whole music album open in the

Sound window, press ALT E (for Edit), O (for Que Point) and then

S (for Split File).


3. The split files will go to your normal saving destination

folder, unless you change this.


4. TAB to a list of possible formats just before the destination

folder browsing tree and ensure that "Use CD Compatible Wave

Format and Alignment" is selected if you are splitting music

tracks up to then burn onto a CD. This not only ensures the

correct Cd sector burning points for the music tracks but it also

converts the files to the correct bit rate, sampling rate, etc,

format for Cd burning as well. 


5. TAB to "OK" and press ENTER.


6. That is as easy as it is simply to get such split up tracks

saved in your default saving folder. They will automatically be

given filenames such as "Track01.wav", Track02,wav", etc.


Note: In the above split files dialogue, if you like, you can

change the starting file/track numbering start point from such

as track01.wav to, say, track04.wav. You might want to do this

to avoid earlier saved tracks being over-written or to avoid one

or more of your tracks not being saved at all because of other

files already being in the folder with that same name. This

starting track number point will be remembered by GoldWave, so

be sure to change it back to 1 the next time you use this



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