Thanks for the tips Curtis.  One thing about this new box is it didn't come 
with a serial port.  Lots of USB and firewire.  I know the MB has serial so 
I might get the adaptor.  Wonder if a USB to serial adaptor would work with 
a LiteTalk synthesizer.

I forgot about the recording counter.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Curtis Delzer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Friday, March 03, 2006 4:29 PM
Subject: Re: stuttering in Sound Forge 5

> Be SURE, (all caps) to turn off recording counter of time display, or
> it will stutter, you don't need to know how long you've recorded via
> sf anyway, it just makes your pc work harder than normal. I had
> recording screw ups until I disabled that feature, and began also
> using an external or at least hardware speech synthesizer.
> Curtis Delzer
> At 12:27 PM 3/1/2006, you wrote:
>>I just installed SF5 on my new computer.  I'm pretty upset to find
>>out I'm getting considerable stuttering while recording.  I know I
>>have to tweak XP for good audio performance but this is a pretty bad
>>out of the box experience.  I've already optimized my system for
>>Jaws and did some work to streamline WinXP without doing any drastic
>>tweaks.  I have the latest sound driver from HP.  I never had this
>>problem on my junky old computer running 98SE.  I feel like I got a
>>lemon.  I'll be contacting HP.  I'm also having some issues with
>>Jaws which may or may not be related to some system instability I
>>seem to have.
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