good luck at making the winamp team care, this is a far cry from the user 
centric days of the original nulsoft team. Upon finding that for some 
unknown reason we and everyone in our ip range had been banned from the 
shoutcast library, i went  and very polightly asked to be explained why this 
happened, the  answer i got was a horibly spelled and sloppy answer saying 
we really don't care.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Pattison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC Audio" <>; "Access-L" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 25, 2006 2:54 AM
Subject: Fwd: here's your chance to help Winamp 5.2 be more accessible

>>From: Chipmunks [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>This comes from the winamp-for-the-blind mailing list. Let's hope we
>>can make a difference and have winamp become more accessible again.
> From: Chris Skarstad [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>       Hi folks
> Well, i've taken the plunge, so now it's your turn to help. If
> you've downloaded Winamp 5.2 and do not like the media library and
> its lack of accessibility, please let the developers know about it.
> It's the only way we can let them know so that hopefully in the next
> version things will be better. Of course if you'd like to stay with
> 5.13 you're certainly able to, but aparently they've lifted the
> limit on being able to see just 1000 stations in the new version,
> but not in the old one.  So we could access all the stations, if
> only the interface was more accessible. So visit
> and sign up.
> I've started a thread there, so I hope some of you will add to it
> and let them know that this is not just an isolated incident.
>   Good news, no silly visual verifications, just a straight sign up
>  and post process, very easy. if I can do it, so can you. Please let
>  the developers know of the problems you're having accessing this
>  new version of the media library and hopefully they'll listen.
> I'd like to see more people than just me post there.  We all say
> that we would like to see things more accessible and better, and now
> that we have a chance, I say let's grab it!
> Thanks guys.
> Regards Steve
> Skype:  steve1963
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