Have you tried using the Default map file in hal on this program?
Maybe it will work.
WHere can i get the reaplay av so i can try it out myself.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "kevin cussick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 19, 2006 7:00 PM
Subject: RE: Has anyone tried the Replay Radio Upgrade?

> Hi all,
> I have upgraded to replay av,
> It's very to use the only thing I have found that the map that I used to
> have for it I use Hal the map did not work any more!!
> I find this each time I renew the version I have to get onto dolphin and
> they eventually come up with a new map for it.
> I have to use the dreaded narrator.
> But once you are past the first screen it is fine it's easy to use and you
> don't knead any additional sound card drivers it's grate all the best.
> Kevin cussick.
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Larry N
> Sent: 19 February 2006 16:48
> To: PC audio discussion list.
> Subject: Has anyone tried the Replay Radio Upgrade?
> Hi everyone. Replay Radio is now Replay A/V. It offers a number of
> improvements including the ability to record multiple streams. What I'm
> wondering now is if anyone has upgraded from Replay Radio 6.0 to Replay 
> A/V.
> If so, did you find the new version to be as easy to use as 6.0?
> Thanks in advance for any and all thoughts.
> Larry
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