Thanks, Tim, for the info.  Unfortunately, what I now know is that I need to 
back up a bit and learn a thing or two about Windows Media Player.  I'm used to 
mostly cutting and pasting files using Windows Explorer, which works pretty 
well when I'm moving files from my computer to say, the bookport.  
Unfortunately, the only way I can get these drm/wma files out of my computer 
and on to this Ilo is through Windows Media Player, and I'm totally lost.  I 
think once I can figure out how to select the files I want to move, I'll be 
able to follow these Overdrive instructions to get them into the Ilo, but I'm 
just lost.   Any tutorials out there, or any simple instructions to help me 
out>  Sorry for the long post, but I truly would appreciate the help.  I also 
think it's a shame that Windows Media Player is not so accessible, as Microsoft 
has often said it was committed to be.  Or am I way off base here?  I'd like to 
get friendly with Windows Media Player if at all possible!

Kathy Szinnyey
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Tim Grady 
  To: PC audio discussion list. 
  Sent: Sunday, February 05, 2006 12:50 PM
  Subject: Re: Moving drm/wma files from Windows Media Player 10 to an Ilo

  If you use the overdrive media player for your librarie's content 
  then there are good tutorials at
  If you use Netlibrary, still go to and look at 
  there getting started thing and see how they suggest transferring 
  files.  It's extremely easy.  If you don't understand Overdrive's 
  explanation, write me off list.
  At 08:57 PM 2/4/2006, you wrote:
  >Hi, all!  I recently bought an Ilo distributed only by Walmart so 
  >that I could play drm/wma Net Library books on it.  I can very 
  >easily move mp3 files from my hard drive to the Ilo using Windows 
  >Explorer, but, as we all know, Windows Media Player is a bit more 
  >difficult for blind folks.  Do you all have any tricks, scripts, 
  >links I can go to to learn how to move these WMA files using 
  >Windows  Media Player?  The Ilo manual says you can't do it any 
  >other way but through Windows Media player.  Any help would be 
  >gratefully appreciated.
  >Kathy Szinnyey
  >   ----- Original Message -----
  >   From: Sharon Lash
  >   To: pc-audio
  >   Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 11:10 AM
  >   Subject: xm info
  >   Anybody know the address to join th xm list? Is it for blind people?
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