nero 6 works the same way as nero 5.5
----- Original Message ----- 
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2006 7:47 PM
Subject: best CD burning program for making CD copies

>I am going to be buying Premier CD creator so I can be sure of copying
> files and folders for my OTR. Is there a program which is easy to use to
> completely copy commercial CDs?  I have gotten a nero 6 but only made one
> copy by accident of a disk.  I need to be able to copy CDs and maybe even
> DVDs, although the DVDs are data disks and nothing more, with OTR or
> books on them.  Does anybody have any suggestions?  I want a burning
> program that will copy commercial CDs that I can use as easily as I used
> to use Nero 5.5.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Kurt
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