It's a handy feature for, say, recording off of NASA TV. I just had Gold 
Wave record in response to a certain threshold, told it to stop after a 
second of silence, and told it to start recording half a second before the 
threshold was crossed. What resulted was a nice tight, but not 
choppy-sounding recording of the shuttle launch.


Bruce Toews
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On Mon, 9 Jan 2006, Patrick Perdue wrote:

> Hello Jerry,
> On Sunday, January 8, 2006, 11:52:26 AM, you bellowed the following:
>> The things I find nice about Sound Forge 8.0 are the ability to
>> start a recording based on time or audio level and the ability to scrub
>> through a file.
> Yeah, the audio level thing is nice, but it's kind of annoying that you
> have to reset the threshold each time you press record, even on the same
> open project. Each time you do, it sets the threshold to -10 DB, which
> is way too high for most stuff I record using this method. I mostly use
> it for things with unpredictable dynamics, such as stuff going on in a
> room, or recording things that have really long gaps in them so as not
> to waste hard drive space. plus, the re-arm after recording
> checkbox gets unchecked. So, once something drops below -10DB for 5
> seconds, it stops recording and doesn't start again. Pretty crappy for
> defaults if you ask me...
> Also, in order to get better use the automatic threshold feature, you'll need
> to use it with the record buffer feature in order to make sure you don't
> miss anything prior to when anything goes at or above the threshold, and
> thus, starts recording. Otherwise, it will just kind of "click" in. This
> is a problem with just about anything that does this, but fortunately
> sound forge does have the buffer to compensate, and it works pretty well.

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