Greetings, all, and thanks in advance for reading this.

I'm using Sound Forge 8 to digitize NLS four-track books for use in my Book
Port.  So here's the question:

I'd love to reduce some of the tape hiss I get and to reduce some of the
crosstalk that comes about when I record in stereo.  (I record using a
handi-cassette as my player, record the tapes at double speed, then reverse
tracks 3 and 4.  I then resample the recordings so the speed is normal,
combine the tracks and save them as single MP3 files that I later suck into
the Book Port.

How do I institute the plug-in that would help reduce at least the hiss if
not the crosstalk?

Please, no messages about how I need a different player as my source.  Trust
me, I get that already!

Thanks for any help you can give.

Nolan Crabb

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