Hi all, I have tried writing the winamp list, and thus far, have gotten no satisfactory response to this problem, and that is, that it seems ever since version 5.11, or what ever version where they fixed the bug with the winamp playlist editor, I can't get the library to search, even though I go to media library, and shift tab to the tab control, and locate the on line media tab, and examine the six items which are all checked, and I even set the number of stations to 10000 in the modify preferences edit box, despite the nullsoft server cap of 1000 stations, and still, I can't get the library to search, I get a custom control, and nothing else, until I alt tab, and back again, only to realyze it hadn't searched for anything, and I even reinstalled version 5.112, but no go, and I even changed the number of stations to 1000, and I even disabled kerio personal firewall, thinking that might be the problem, but no, and so I'm frustrated as to why the media library isn't searching for stations. I wonder if comcast is blocking a o l ports, or something like that, though I doubt it, but I've done everything I know to do, and still, ever since 5.11, I can't get the library to search, and I wonder if there are any ideas people have, this with winamp 5.112, windows 98 se, window-eyes 5.5 192 megs of ram, and a 400 megs processor, and thanks in advance.
Marty _______________________________________________ PC-Audio List Help, Guidelines, Archives and more... http://www.pc-audio.org To unsubscribe from this list, send a blank email to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] This list is a service of MosenExplosion.com. To see what other lists we offer, visit us on the web at http://www.MosenExplosion.com