Hi son sparkle,

How does one go about splitting files? (I am using the evaluation version of 
gold wave if that makes a difference)

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Sun Sparkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 10:16 PM
Subject: Re: The Good Old Days (Was Mp3 players)

> Ok, so if a person would lets say use nero, for there burnning program the
> cue sheets function i beleive is in there then a person could then burn 
> them
> into the cd.? or thinking aloud could you in a way rename the file to what
> ever the file name is.cue then use a program like goldwave to split the
> file?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "David Truong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 10:11 PM
> Subject: RE: The Good Old Days (Was Mp3 players)
>> HI,
>> These time markers are primarily for Winamp use.  However, the resulting
>> .tms file is a text file and if one was to find out the format of cue
>> sheets
>> and was able to somehow convert the time marker format to cue sheet 
>> format
>> then it would be possible to use the time markers for burning the file on
>> to
>> a cd.  But the short answer to your query is that exported time markers
>> are
>> just for winamp use.
>> David Truong
>> E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Skype:  blindboxer1967
>> Home Page:  http://members.optusnet.com.au/davidtruong/
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> On Behalf Of Sun Sparkle
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 1:46 PM
>> To: PC audio discussion list.
>> Subject: Re: The Good Old Days (Was Mp3 players)
>> david,
>> i have a question for you
>> is there a way that these time markers could be exported to a cue file to
>> be
>> used with such programs as gold wave ?
>> if so how do you go about doing this? or are the time markers just for
>> winamp use?
>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>> From: "David Truong" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 9:25 PM
>> Subject: RE: The Good Old Days (Was Mp3 players)
>>> Hi There,
>>> The folllowing is from our Winamp scripts manual and describes the time
>>> marker features.
>>> The Winamp scripts include a feature that allows you to set, jump to and
>>> remove multiple audio bookmarks on your currently playing track from any
>>> of
>>> the
>>> Winamp Windows. You can also find out the elapsed, remaining and time
>>> length
>>> of the currently playing track. You can even export your time markers to
>>> "Time
>>> Marker Set" files (.tms files)and import time markers from .tms files
>>> into
>>> your Winamp time marker file file (winamp.tmf). Note: Winamp already has
>>> a
>>> bookmark
>>> feature which allows you to store favourite streams so you can go back 
>>> to
>>> them later. To save confusion, the audio bookmarks are called "time
>>> Markers".
>>> The idea of time markers is to allow you to set a time marker in a
>>> currently
>>> playing track and then be able to come back later and have the track 
>>> play
>>> from
>>> the point where the time marker was set. This way you can close Winamp,
>>> play
>>> another track or even if you get caught up on the phone etc., you will
>>> know
>>> that you won't have to start the track from the beginning again. You can
>>> also set more than one time marker in a track.
>>> The keystrokes are as follows and they can genrally be used from 
>>> anywhere
>>> in
>>> Winamp.
>>> List of 7 items (contains 1 nested list)
>>> . m: Set a Time Marker. Sets a time marker on the currently playing
>>> track.
>>> There must be a track playing for it to work, but it will warn you that
>>> no
>>> track
>>> is playing if you try to invoke it when no track is playing. If a track
>>> is
>>> playing and you activate the set time marker command, you will be
>>> presented
>>> with a dialogue box and focused on an edit field where you can label the
>>> time marker to be set. Simply type the desired label and press enter. If
>>> you
>>> leave
>>> this field blank and press Enter, the time marker will still be set but
>>> without a label. After the time marker is set, Jaws announces the number
>>> assigned
>>> to the time marker and the time stamp of the position in the currently
>>> loaded track as well as announcing the optional label you gave it. For
>>> example,
>>> if you gave the time marker the label "chapter 3", and the positionin
>>> your
>>> file was 2 minutes and 30 seconds, you would hear Jaws announce "Time
>>> Marker3
>>> set at 2 minutes and 30 seconds, Chapter 3". Due to technical
>>> considerations, the ability to label time markers is not available when
>>> using JAWS versions
>>> prior to Version 3.7. Note: You cannot use "m" to set time markers from
>>> within dialogs such as the open file or jump to file dialogs. There, the
>>> "m"
>>> key
>>> merely types the letter "m". To set a time marker, it is necessary to be
>>> in
>>> one of the Winamp windows such as the Playlist or Equaliser, etc.
>>> . Alt+Shift+m: Jump to Time Marker. This script does not require a file
>>> to
>>> be playing, but it must be able to determine which file you are wanting
>>> to
>>> play.
>>> If the file name is listed in the Winamp title bar, the script will grab
>>> it
>>> from there. Otherwise it will announce that there is no track ready to 
>>> be
>>> played.
>>> If you have just opened a file in Winamp for the first time, but haven't
>>> played it, it's name won't appear in the Winamp title bar. To fix this,
>>> simply
>>> play and stop the file. Stopping the file is optional; playing it will
>>> cause
>>> its name to appear in the title bar and then the script will proceed.
>>> When
>>> you press Alt+Shift+m, the script will display a list box containing a
>>> list
>>> of all the time markers it has recorded for that track. Simply cursor
>>> through
>>> the list and press enter on the time marker you want to jump to. The
>>> script
>>> will say nothing after this, but playing will immediately skip to the
>>> selected
>>> time marker. If the file is not playing, it will start playing from the
>>> specified time marker.
>>> . control+Shift+m: remove time marker. This script must also be able to
>>> identify which track you are playing. It does this in the same way as 
>>> the
>>> Alt+Shift+m
>>> script. A list box will be displayed containing a list of all the time
>>> markers recorded for the current file. To remove one, simply move to it
>>> with
>>> the
>>> arrow keys and press enter. The remaining time markers will be
>>> renumbered,
>>> etc. If you want to erase all the time markers, move to the last item in
>>> the
>>> list "Remove all time markers", and press enter. This will only delete
>>> all
>>> time markers for the current file, not all the time markers you have on
>>> your
>>> system.
>>> . Alt+Control+Shift+m: Export / Import time markers. This command allows
>>> you
>>> to export and import time markers into your Winamp time marker file. 
>>> When
>>> the
>>> Export/Import time marker command is invoked with Alt+Control+Shift+m,
>>> you
>>> will be presented with a listbox containing 3 choices. They are:
>>> List of 3 items nesting level 1
>>> . Export time markers for the current track. When invoked, you will be
>>> prompted to enter the name of the time marker set file to export your
>>> time
>>> markers
>>> to. Simply type in the desired file name without any extention. The
>>> extention ".tms" (time marker set) will automatically be added to the 
>>> end
>>> of
>>> the file
>>> name. Then press enter. If you wish to cancil this operation, you can
>>> either
>>> leave the field blank and press enter or Press Escape to exit this
>>> dialogue
>>> box. Note, only the time markers associated with the currently loaded
>>> track
>>> will be exported to the time marker set file.
>>> . Import time markers for the current track. When invoked, you will be
>>> prompted to enter the name of the time marker set file to import your
>>> time
>>> markers
>>> from. Simply type in your desired file name without any extention. The
>>> extention ".tms" (time marker set) will automatically be appended to the
>>> file name.
>>> Then press Enter. If you wish to cancil this operation, you can either
>>> leave
>>> the field blank and press Enter or Press Escape to exit the dialogue 
>>> box.
>>> Note, only the time markers associated with the currently loaded track
>>> will
>>> be imported from the time marker set file.
>>> . Import all time markers in a time marker Set file. When invoked, you
>>> will
>>> be prompted for a time marker set file (.tms) containing the time 
>>> markers
>>> you
>>> want to import to your winamp.tmf file. Simply type in the desired file
>>> name
>>> without any extention. The extention ".tms" (time marker set) will
>>> automatically
>>> be appended to the file name. Then press Enter. If you wish to cancil
>>> this
>>> operation, you can either leave the field blank and press Enter or Press
>>> Escape
>>> to exit the dialogue box. This operation will import all of the time
>>> markers
>>> from the specified time marker set file regardless of what track is
>>> currently
>>> loaded. This is different from the "Import time markers for the current
>>> track" operation which only imports time markers associated with the
>>> currently
>>> loaded track.
>>> list end nesting level 1
>>> Note, if you don't have any time markers set for the current track and
>>> you
>>> try to export / import time markers for that track, Jaws will notify you
>>> of
>>> this.
>>> Also, if Jaws thinks there isn't a track loaded, you will be notified of
>>> this as well. To insure that jaws knows for sure that a track is loaded,
>>> it
>>> is
>>> always a good idea to start the track playing, if only for a split
>>> second,
>>> and then stop it. This will insure that the export / import time marker
>>> functions
>>> work as they should. Note:Due to technical issues, if you are using a
>>> version of JAWS prior to 3.7, you will not be given the opportunity to
>>> type
>>> in a
>>> file name. In these older versions of JAWS, all exported time markers
>>> will
>>> be saved to the file winamp.tms in your JAWS settings directory and all
>>> imports
>>> will be read from this file. Thus, it will be necessary to rename any
>>> time
>>> marker set file you receive to winamp.tms and place it in your JAWS
>>> settings
>>> directory in order to import time markers from it.
>>> David Truong
>>> E-mail and MS messenger:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> Skype:  blindboxer1967
>>> Home Page:  http://members.optusnet.com.au/davidtruong/
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>> On Behalf Of Brent Harding
>>> Sent: Tuesday, November 15, 2005 12:32 PM
>>> To: PC audio discussion list.
>>> Subject: Re: The Good Old Days (Was Mp3 players)
>>> How does that feature work? I always tried to remember the time and end
>>> up
>>> forgetting.
>>> ----- Original Message ----- 
>>> From: "Dean Martineau" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
>>> Sent: Monday, November 14, 2005 5:20 PM
>>> Subject: Re: The Good Old Days (Was Mp3 players)
>>>> The time marker feature especially sets the Winamp scripts out and 
>>>> makes
>>>> this player more useful than any other.  To further stir up the pot,
>>>> then
>>>> I'll duck, while Window-Eyes offers numerous advantages, this is
>>>> functionality that Window-Eyes users will never have with Winamp 
>>>> because
>>>> their program's feature set is not extensible in this way.  With those
>>>> scripts, Winamp is a joy to use.
>>>> Dean
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