This was sent as a follow-up to the one I just posted.

Hi, Louis:

It was great to wake up this morning and find your reply in my inbox.
Yes, I definitely remember corresponding with you specifically about
15, 18 months ago.  I understand your constraints, and it's neat that
you still remember that blind broadcasters need what your software has
to offer.

I'm copying my fellow ACB Radio broadcaster [name removed] on this
message so he may chime in with his comments regarding the use of SAM
with his preferred screenreader, Window-Eyes.

What we're finding is problems in the display only.  The
hot-keys/shortcut-keys work well, and there seems to be one for just
about every important function SAM has, with very few exceptions. For
instance, a key to lock down the click-to-talk microphone button would
be helpful instead of having to hold down the F11 key.

But the real problems are with the display, as you already know,
because of use of non-standard Windows controls for such things as
lists and combo boxes for scrolling through the contents of the
database in various views (by category, by title, etc.).  The queue
window is visible, all except for the very first item (the currently
loaded and playing track).  If I could find it on the screen, or, I
should more properly say if JAWS could, I could put a JAWS window
around it, assign it to a hot-key, and read it on demand.  I could
also fix it so that whenever it changed, when a new track came up for
playing, JAWS would announce it.

I can, however, use the TAB key to move around the screen and read
some things--time elapsed and time remaining are easily read for the
currently playing track, although I do have to check both decks to
find it. If there were an easy way to determine which deck was
playing, then look at that deck's timers, that's something that JAWS
could do with a little JAWS scripting.  But whatever is on the screen
that shows which deck is playing is invisible to JAWS. OK, maybe I
could program something to look in first one deck's timers, then the
other, then speak a custom message determined by which deck had data
to read.  That's certainly a doable workaround for JAWS.

But the no-title-of-current-track is a big problem, just about the
biggest from my standpoint as a JAWS user.

[name deleted] has tried SAM2 and 3 with both JAWS and Window-Eyes,
and I am sure can and will give more comments on his experiences with

Thanks again for your rapid response, and I'm sure between the three
of us and  our various screenreading technologies and developer's
knowledge, we can make SAM much more blind-broadcaster-friendly than
it currently is.
Steve Matzura
Resources Coordinator
ACB Radio Interactive
Tel: (888) 628-0872

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