I didn't think any charged at all. Sound Computing, I guess, but it's not 
really a podcast per say as there is no RSS feed to get it. I think I found 
one or two, but they're just casts on how to make money podcasting which if 
you listen to the daily source code, Adam will tell us in time, hopefully.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Skarstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: Podcast questions.

> Hi Anita
> Let's break down your questions 1 at a time here.
>>     What are podcasts? Are they accessible with screen readers?
> Podcasts are audio programs which can be automatically downloaded using a
> piece of software that does the job for you so you don't have to keep 
> going
> back to the website every time a new show comes out.
> Screenreaders are not a factor in this case.  If you have a modern version
> of the 3 most popular screenreaders in use, the iPodder software works 
> fine
> and will do this for you.
> Note for iPodder to work you must have Windows xp, or 2000. there are 
> other
> programs out there that will automatically download podcasts which will
> work on other operating systems.  All a podcast really is is a regular mp3
> file. nothing special about it. The term podcast really isn't all that 
> good
> because it just creates more questions than answer them. But the term has
> stuck so here we are.
>>What is RSS?
> RSS is part of the technology that makes podcasts possible, but it's not
> the whole thing that brings a podcast to you.  Basically it's a way to
> subscribe to a particular website and get that material sent to you
> whenever it's updated.  These websites and podcasts are almost always 
> free,
> however there are a few out there that charge. the website will tell you 
> if
> there is a charge associated. but  when it comes to podcasts, 99% of the
> material is freely available.
>>  Can one listen to podcasts while they're being aired, or only after
>> they're downloaded?
> You can only listen to a podcast after it's been downloaded.  Like I said
> above, these are just mp3 files, and you can listen to them using Winamp 
> or
> any other mp3 player software. and you can transfer them to a portable mp3
> player if you have one.
>>  What are some web sites of podcasts users on this list have found easy
>> to navigate?
> Well, my personal favorite is
> http://www.podcastpickle.com, this is a podcast directory. It lists shows
> by genre, group, and best of all, they are sorted by a rating.  So if you
> only want family friendly podcasts, you can find those.  Any screenreader
> with good web accessibility web features will handle this site just fine.
> Also go to
> http://www.ipodder.org
> this is the website for the iPodder software mentioned above. it also has 
> a
> directory of poddcasts.
>  hope this helps.
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