"best" is rather subjective in terms of which CD-burning program to use. 
Nero is a bit more expensive than necessary in this regard, and there are 
other solutions that do the job just as well, just as accessibly and for 
less money. Not to say that Nero isn't a good program, there are enough 
people whom I respect who use it and like it that it must be. But it's 
important, when making a recommendation that is as subjective as the 
CD-program debate, to not use the term "the best", becase in an issue such 
as this no one program can make that claim.


Bruce Toews
E-mail and MSN/Windows Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Site (including info on my weekly commentaries): http://www.ogts.net
Info on the Best TV Show of All Time: http://www.cornergas.com

On Thu, 29 Sep 2005, Sun Sparkle wrote:

> www.goldwave.com
> will do the trick for you for the sound editing program
> as for burnning cds
> www.nero.com
> will be the best program for burnning cds
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Mari Dole" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
> Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2005 1:02 PM
> Subject: Which Sound-editing Programs Does JAWS Support
>> Hello List,
>> I am an amateur (meaning one who loves) audio producer who is so
>> frustrated, I may go back to analog! I wonder if any of you could tell
>> me if there is a simple sound-editing program which is supported by JAWS
>> out of the box, i.e. does not require additional scripts? I need to do
>> the following tasks:
>> Record, edit, mix sound and burn Cds. I don't need a lot of effects.
>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>> Mari Dole
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