Hi! I am running JFW 6.2. I have an Asus MotherBoard with the Soundmax/Digital MB sound driver on it. I also run a Turtle Beach Montigo as my primary card. When I run jfw with the synth1port=Digital MB, it does come through the secondary sound card. However, it is untolerably latent and sluggish. It takes between 2-3 seconds between when I hit something, and hear a response. I even tried updating the eloquence driver as FS recommends to no avail. I pretty well left the onboard sound enabled so I could do this. How can I get it so it's responsive like my Turtle Beach is? I'd use the double talk PC, which strangely enough is still being sold, instead, but this new board has no ISA slot. It reminds me of old problems I used to have at school, when their system was barely adequate to run jaws, but 3 ghz hyperthreaded should be well enough to handle it. Is it getting slow because Jaws and sound have to wait for each other, in which case, a dual core or dual processor setup would help? Thanks.
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