You can do this also, sure! Highlight your music folder, hit the right
windows key and pull down, Play in Media Player. By hitting Control H when
the music starts you will initiate shuffle mode, There you have it.

You can do the same thing in Winamp. Highlight your music folder, hit the
right windows key and pull down, Play in winampl. By hitting  alt S to
initiate shuffle mode, you will do the same thing as your friend did, only
you'll do it in Winamp.


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Jim Portillo
Sent: August 25, 2005 6:57 PM
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: Windows Media question

I have a question.

When I went to my friend's house this weekend, we were listening to music.
What he told me he had done was to run Windows Media, which then took all of
the music in his "My Music" folder and played it.  Now, he had it in a random
setting, so it was absolutely neat to be able to listen to a ton of songs
from different CDs in a random order using Windows Media player.
I'd love to replicate this, but I have no idea how I can get Windows Media
Player to perform this task.
Any ideas or instructions?
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