I have purchased the newly released version of Easy CD/DA Extractor, Version 
8.2.1, and I'm having severe accessibility problems trying to use it with 
Jaws 6.0.

Does anyone on this list use this version of this program with Jaws, 
successfully?  If so, can you direct me to whatever scripts and/or special 
Jaws/keyboard instructions you may know of?  For me, many interface elements 
don't speak in Jaws or allow keyboard navigation, to the point where the 
program isn't usable for me.  So if anyone has mastered itk, please share 
the secrets of your success.

I do have access to other programs if necessary, such as the freeware CDex 
for ripping and Nero Ultra 6 for burning, although I wouldn't call this Nero 
module Jaws heaven, either, exactly.  So all I'm asking about is how to 
master Easy Cd/DA Extractor, if anyone can help.  Not seeking alternative 
program recommendations.

Thanks very much.

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