Station Ripper records streaming audio without recording any other sounds that come through your speakers. It can be found at:

IN Station Ripper, you need to tab to find the browser window if you want to record from shoutcast. You will find links to types of stations and below that a list of the most recorded shoutcast stations. You just have to enter on the link of the name of the station you want to record to add the station to your recording list. You can enter on the shoutcast link to go to the shoutcast page and do a search for the station you want. You will find a lot more than if you just enter on the category link on the browser. Each listing wil tell you the speed they are streaming. If you have a dial up modem then choose a stream that is less than 100 or you will have problems with parts of the songs being left out of the recording.

to get out of the browser, hit ctrl + tab.

If you want to record from an URL that is not shoutcast then just tab to the edit area and paste the URL in it and hit enter. The stream should start recording.

If you have a number of sites that you have recorded from then there will be a list of these that can be found when you hit the spacebar on the my Stations button. Just enter on the station you want to start recording.


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