I use Window-eyes but you can do the same thing in JFW. You'll need to use your virtual cursor a lot, at least I think that's what it's called in JFW. Itunes automatically creates a few smart play lists like party shuffle and audible and stuff like that. The problem is that when you're reading the screen you can't tell what is a smart play list and what is an option like music store, at least I can't, but I only use mine for Audible books, so let me use that as an example. It works the same way as music files. But first let me say that if you want to just transfer music files than Anapod is the way to go for Windows based PC's. The software works like Windows Explorer and is cheap. Ok, there's in my example something you will be looking for on the screen called audible. This is a smart playlist. A smart playlist is your library filtered. In this case it would be all your Audible books in your library. It will search your hard drive for the audible books. What you need to do is find that list and ddrag it over to the ipod and drop it. Same with any other play list like library. I'm not sure how to configure the playlists because I haven't done it in a while but seems like from what I can remember it was easy. The only reason I still use Itunes is because the Audible plug-in doesn't work right for the shuffle in Anapod. By the way, drag and drop works for single files as well as playlists.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Hartgen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 8:45 AM
Subject: ITunes

I have been struggling over the past day or so to use an Apple IPod Shuffle with ITunes, and I wondered if anyone could please provide me with any useful tips. Essentially, jaws does not seem to read very much of the ITunes software screen at all, however despite this I have worked out that I can add MP3 files to what they call my library. Once I do that and save the my library file, this allows me to play each file and move through them, playing a part of each one. So far so good.
The problems i have at the moment are:
A. Transferring the files to the IPod Shuffle. Even though I go to the file menu, and click update IPod, and I get a message to say that the IPod is updated, files do not seem to be on the unit itself. B. Deleting files or interacting with the files in my library seems to be very difficult, since even using the jaws cursor, I certainly cannot see as much of the screen as a sighted person is able to do. I note that the March issue of access World produced by the American Foundation of the Blind states that using a screen-reader's screen review mode, you can explore the screen contents, but I have not been able to thus far. To reiterate, if anyone can provide any useful guide to the successful use of this application, I would really appreciate it.

Thank you.
Brian Hartgen
Skype:  brianhartgen

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