One difference between Total Recorder
and Replay Radio is that you can opt out of using the driver and still enjoy
full functionality.  Try it both ways and see which works
Total Recorder has a setting to turn off System sounds. It also has "Use
Directly" and a radio button to select whether you use the selected audio
card or TR Driver.

I've actually just discovered my TR is not set to use the TR Driver, but the
system sounds are turned off. I a have had some sound problems when playing
CD's, so have not played in puter for quite a while. I will have to do some
testing now to see if that problem still happens.


I wonderfor you.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joanne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Saturday, May 14, 2005 8:34 AM
Subject: Re: Replay Radio Driver Question

> But Kevin, if you uninstall the driver would you still be able to record
> streaming media?  With total recorder you have to have its driver in order
> to record radio stations.  Are you saying that if I try replay radio I
> won't need its driver to make recordings?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Kevin Cussick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <>
> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2005 4:20 AM
> Subject: RE: Replay Radio Driver Question
>> Hi their,
>> You will find if the sound driver is installed and you have told
>> replay radio to use that external driver it will always use the
>> external driver and you will always have to change the configuration
>> back to your sound card of coise!!
>> I use quick mix it's a very good utility you set your preferred
>> settings in your mixer then save them then when you need to use them
>> you just open quick mix and just open the preferred setting of your
>> choose.
>> If I was you I would unstall the external driver for replay radio it
>> causes more problems than it is worth in my opinion.
>> all the best.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Ron or Susan Denis
>> Sent: 13 May 2005 1:06
>> To: PC audio discussion list.
>> Subject: Re: Replay Radio Driver Question
>> Larry, now that I think about it, there is a setting that starts
>> replay-radio when windows starts and I believe minimizes it to the
>> systray.
>> This can be changed in the settings section which is found in the main
>> menu
>> near the end of choices.  When the program starts, shift tab about
>> three or
>> four times and you should get to settings.  Hit the spacebar, when you
>> do.
>> I believe the choice of starting replay-radio when windows starts is
>> in the
>> "general" tab of that menu I think.  I never thought of this as I keep
>> boxes
>> like this unchecked as a rule and did it so long ago I'd forgotten
>> about the
>> option.
>> Ron Denis
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