Hi again gang:

First of all, I would like to thank all who responded to my Sound Forge 8 
questions. Now this next issue is probably not so much a question but a 
statement that could use varification.

As a long time GoldWave user, I have been recording certain radio programs and 
saving them as MP3 files with the quality being 64 Kbps, 22,050 Hz. Apparently, 
if I want to record at 64 KBPS using Sound Forge, I will have to record at 
44,100 HZ.  I can record at 56 Kbps, 22,050 Hz however, I would rather not.  
The 64 Kbps, 22,050 Hz setting provided me with a reasonably good quality while 
keeping  the file size fairly small. Sory for the lengthy explaination. I guess 
the question is, is there a way to record at 64 Kbps, 22,050 Hz in Sound Forge?

Thanks all over the place gang.
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