It really depends on the kind of recording you want to do. If you wish to record a stream directly from the interne, you will find the driver quite advantageous, because it will let you record without the intrusion of sound from your screen reader and such. What you might want to do is to set it up so that it will only run when you have total recorder open. You could also have the program setup to use the driver only when desired, by making a separate preset for using the program under different circumstances. For example, I have three different configurations setup for recording from my stereo receiver, another from the Internet, and another for recording through my microphone.

If I were you, I would just unload the driver until you get used to the program, but don't remove it altogether, because I will bet you will find plenty of uses for it in the long run. However, if you don't have it turned off when not using the program, it might become a pain, especially when playing back through a program like Winamp, or MediaPlayer. I've noticed that it can cause skipping at times when listening to mp3 files not even associated with Total Recorder. Bottom line, keep it, but use only when necessary.


At 09:44 PM 4/3/2005, you wrote:
i am using the total recorder pro 5.1 and jaws and window eyes should i install the total recorder driver or do i really need it.
when i installed the driver that total recorder said that is recomanded i got a lot of stack when trying to record an internet stream.
so do i really need that driver? if so what are the advantages of the driver vs not having it installed?
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