
The folks at sony are quite friendly and helpful. I have called them before and have been given access to an unprotected version of the manual for 7.0. Give 'em a call and you shouldn't meet resistance.

> At 01:46 PM 3/16/2005, Ibby Karbhari M-MT Consultancy spake thusly:-
Hi Folks,
I just downloaded a Sound Forge manual from:

Unfortunately, not only is it a PDF file, but it is fully protected both from
selecting all and or saving as a text file.
This to me is an accessibility issue and some one needs to tell them that they
really need to make it available in an alternative format.
If anyone has it converted already feel free to email to me direct all 284 pages
in text or word format.

Ibby Karbhari - (Independent I.C.T Consultant)

Phone: 020 7243 0500
Mobile: 07799 768 771

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