You're working too hard at this. When Nero comes up, make sure you have the 7 page set of tabs with Burn as the 7th and media info as the first. Then, make sure nothing is checked or selected except CD (if you can choose between cd and DVD). The third tab, ISO, I think, uncheck the Joliet item, and uncheck the "Add 1" item, everything else checked. Make sure in the 7th that sample or trial or whatever it's really called isn't checked and make sure that virus-check isn't checked. It's not necessary to do the last, but it does save time, (you're virus checking these suckers as they come in, right? <grin>).
If you have other questions, ask me. I've been doing a lot of this lately in backing up. Btw, that list where there's iso this and that, you don't need to bother with at all.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Susan Wojtecki" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <>
Sent: Thursday, March 03, 2005 1:06 PM
Subject: in great need of Nero help

Hi everyone,
I'm using Nero 5.5 and have done this before but it has been a while and I
can't figure this out.
I would like to compile an MP3 CD in Nero and can't figure out what I'm
doing wrong. I've entered the new compilation dialog and start multisession
is checked but it says iso and I can't figure out how to select the data
option or to proceed from here. At one point I saw the list of eleven
choices but could not actually select what I wantedbecause I couldn't read
or click on all of them. Does this make sense to anyone? This is
frustrating because I've successfully burned a CD before but today can't
figure out anything at all. Hope someone can help.


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