Yes I definitely would be interested in hearing a review on these devices. I am particularly interested in just how accessible it is. I would like to be able to record live music and meetings with such a portable device and then edit the result on my computer.

I look forward to it.


At 01:20 PM 26/02/2005 -0500, you wrote:
         Would you like to hear an Edirol R-1 and /or R-4 demonstration on
ACB Radio's Main Menu?  These are two new digital audio, solid state,
compact flash, recorders from Edirol that promise to be accessible with many
physical controls, no proprietary software and the ability to look like a
regular drive on your computer through their USB connection.

     If I had possession of these machines it would be no problem for me to
record a demonstration but the fact is that they are quite expensive and
with accessibility still something of a question people are reluctant to
purchase them, including myself.  In case you think that manufactures just
give things to merchants to try its not true.  Usually merchants have to
purchase things just like the general public and are held to just as strict
return policies.

     I could go to Edirol and perhaps convince them to let me borrow these
machines in order to make a presentation for Main Menu but I might have a
much stronger case if I could convince them that there is some interest
amongst the blind community in possibly purchasing these units.

     If you're interested in hearing a presentation of these machines on
Main Menu with respect to their accessibility please let me know at

     You can read about these machines at their respective links following.

R-1 Portable 24-Bit WAVE Recorder and Player: retail $550.00

R-4 Portable 4 Channel Recorder & WAVE Editor: retail $1,895.00

Chirp|Chirp|Chirp: It's the Bat, Chirping Bat .Com
! New DEC-TALK USB: $650.00,
! Gyration RF Wireless 100 foot range keyboard: $199.00,
! J-Say without Naturally Speaking: Standard $345.00, Professional $575.00,
! Window Eyes 5.0: $700, includes delivery in the USA,
! Triple Talk: USB $450, PCI $350, includes delivery in the USA, add $30
outside, www.ChirpingBat.Com/tripletalk.shtml
! Sound Forge 7.0 with Noise Reduction 2.0 and CD Architect 5.0: $299,
includes delivery in the USA, www.ChirpingBat.Com/soundforge.shtml
! We accept PayPal Visa, Mastercard, money orders, checks, wire transfers,
We ship Internationally.  Click to convert our prices into your currency at:

Reach BA Software in the United States at:
Phone: 1-518-572-6092 weekdays, 1-518-359-8538 other, Email:
[EMAIL PROTECTED], Skype name adirondackbat, WWW: www.ChirpingBat.Com

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