By the way what version of TR are you using.
I am about to install 5.1. So by the time you reply to this I will be working with that. So if you do that also we can be working the same interface.
So open up the "Recording source and parameters" dialogue. box.
First thing I see now is a radio button with two choices you can arrow up or down to. For recording from Microphone or radio or other external source choose "Sound Board". I bet that is what you have now if your microphone tests are working.
Change to "Software" for recording from the Net.
There two ways to record. either manual or by schedule. to change the setting described above is simillar but you do it from the Shedule page.
Try a test. Change as I have said, and get a stream up and press record. Then press stop, then close the stream, then press play in TR.
Get back to me.
At 05:03 PM 19/02/2005 -0800, you wrote:
Hi Peter,
Thanks for your email.
Here's the deal.
I know very little about Total Recorder, and the more I try and explore, the more lost I get.
I have an external microphone hooked up to it right now, and that is working OK.
However, I know that I can record internet broadcasts as well. I must not have the right settings going or something because when I try and record from the web, nothing happens.
Are there different settings I need to choose? I honestly don't know if I have the right settings chosen for what I need now.
So, can you help me with recording from the web? Also, there is one thing I'd love to record tomorrow, but I won't be home to do that. However, I know that I can set a timer for this, but again, I can't get it to work right.
I'm fairly ignorant when it comes to thesee things. <grin>
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