
I think that the dvd's of mp3's will have to be played on your computer. When I first started burning cd's, I learned that some players will play them and some just wouldn't. Now I have friends who have purchased cd players for their vehicles that play mp3 cd's. Perhaps, eventually, they will come up with, if they haven't already done so, a player that can play any type of cd, and, any type of dvd. When you throw the number of kinds of dvd's that there are, the waters get a bit more muddy. Home burned dvd's might play in your dvd player, and then again, they might not. I have a sony dvd player in my home entertainment system. It will play store bought cd's and dvd's, but I cannot get it to play a home burned cd or dvd. That's one of the reasons why I am moving toward playing only mp3's through my computer, which I broadcast to my stereo's fm radio with my c crane transmitter. I have just recently bought a keyboard that is wireless from Gyro. I can control my computer from anywhere in the house and I have radios everywhere.

Hth, and good luck,
> At 06:28 AM 1/28/2005, Brian Olesen spake thusly:-
They will not play back.


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