I have it saved thanks again. Dave Hutchins
----- Original Message ----- From: "Chris Skarstad" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 2:33 AM
Subject: Re: Radio Stations In Winamp?

Hi Dave
That's not exactly what he wants to do.
What he wants to do is to increase the number of stations the Winamp library shows, and this is easily done. To increase the number of stations found in the Winamp library, follow these steps.

**be sure to write this down for future reference** can't forget to mention that at the very beginning so you don't forget, and many people do, which necessitates asking the same question over again. So copy this down, put it in a place you'll remember and then if you need it again you can go find it.
Ok, on with the steps to increase the number of stations.

1. Launch Winamp. The version I'm running is 5.07, but this works for versions from 5.04 on up to 5.08. so if you have one of those, these directions will work. If you have an earlier version, the directions are slightly different but we're focusing on the current version here.

2. With Winamp open on your screen, press control plus p for preferences.
3. Tab until you hear, tree view, or in JAWS it will say, tree 1 tree view and the current position where you are. It remembers the last place you were, so it could say any number of things. To get ourselves a starting point, press your home key to take you to the top.

4. press your down arrow key until you hear, media library,6 of 8.
With other screenreaders other than jaws you may not hear the position of items, but as long as you hear, media library, you're in the right place.
5. Now here's where things get interesting. When you're positioned on the media library option, press your tab key twice. Pressing it once will take you to the close button, and once again you'll land in a list view of views in the media library. The first one in the list is internet radio. Check boxes will show if it will appear in this view, and the check box should be checked. so in JAWS for example, you should hear, manage streaming media views list view,1 of 4. For some reason, it won't tell you that internet radio is the first one, but it is.

To get to the button where you change the number of streams listed in the library, press your tab key twice. Pressing it once will land you on a button where you can specify ratings for different things which doesn't apply here. Pressing it once more will take you to a button that says, modify preferences button. This is where you want to be, so press your space bar on this.

7. On the next screen, you should see an edit box, and it should say,limit number of listings fetch to, and the default number here is 500. You can put any number here you like, so in there I put some rediculously high number like 25000. This makes sure that all the streams out there will be fetched. note that when Winamp does this, it may take a bit of time, especially if you're on a slower connection.
there are a few other radio buttons here for determining how often it grabs new streams, so you can set that how you like, or leave it at the defaults. Then simply press the ok button to close this dialogue, and then the close button. You can then go back to the media library in Winamp, and then press the refresh button. This button becomes an abort button while it's downloading the stations. Hope this helps explain things.

At 02:02 AM 1/27/2005, you wrote:

Go to blind radio . com which is a web site for everyone. They have lots to chose from, you can click on to music types or state by state or country what ever you want its there. Dave Hutchins
----- Original Message ----- From: "Fazil M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 1:53 AM
Subject: Radio Stations In Winamp?

How can I get the internet radio stations in Winamp5.8, Please? What I mean is, if I go to the library and look for the internet radio stations, I find them in a very small in number but I heard there are thousands of them. How can I increase that number, please?

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