That is one of the reasons I chose Sirius.  Its on line stations are very
Doc Wright
>Someday, we'll look back on this,
>laugh nervously and change the subject.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ann McCay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <>
Sent: Sunday, January 09, 2005 6:04 PM
Subject: RE: Looking for XM users

Well, I've just met my last straw. I've been trying to listen to the
Nashville channel for a couple hours now. First the 40s channel launched.
Then some channel, who knows what, it was country but I could see from the
flash window that Confederate Railroad was playing on the Nashville channel,
and it wasn't that...launched. It might have been Hank's place, I don't
know. But something I didn't want. So I tried again. This time got the 70s
I wanted jazz at one point this afternoon, and I got a jazz selection but it
wasn't the one I wanted. So, I've written them (for the second time, the
first time they couldn't find my account although they can find my Visa card
just fine) to ask that my account/subscription be cancelled. I won't do this
till I get a receiver of some type. I think it'll be XM but it might not be
since I could also do MLB online.
I'm really annoyed. Windows were maximized, as far as I could tell anyway,
who knows. I tried with both Jaws 5.1 and WE beta 5.

-----Original Message-----
On Behalf Of Karl Smith
Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2005 10:54 AM
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Re: Looking for XM users


I have been reading this thread with interest and have a few comments.  I do
think the XM on line site should be made more accessible but I do differ
with some of the comments made by users of the radios who say they are a
snap to use and quite accessible.  They are, in fact, just barely
accessible.  Let me explain.

I can, as has been stated by others, listen to my XM radios with little
trouble.  I can choose the stations I want by number or move up and down the
dial with little trouble.  The problem is that this is only the bare bones
minimum of what is available for my monthly service.  I have a Myfi portable
unit for example which is a wonderful device.  I can do all the things I
have stated on it with ease.

But here are some of the features I can't use.
1. I can't read the display to get the artist and title of the song.
2. I can't set the presets.
3. the other day the unit got locked and I didn't know why until I
discovered which button to press and how to press it to unlock it.
4. The Myfi allows for programmed recording of events much like a VCR
records TV programs which I cannot do because I can't see the screen.
5. After recording my selections it is possible, if you can see, to rotate
the selection wheel and go through a list of all the songs which played
during the recorded item and select only the one or ones you want to hear.
6. my car radio and my Bose stereo require the XM radio to be set at
different volumes for undistorted listening.  I have to have my driver do
this because it can only be done on the screen.
7. here's one I forgot. On the Myfi unit you can select an artist you like
and be advised every time that artist's music is playing on any channel, if,
of course, you can see the screen.

There are others such as knowing the battery level or satellite strength but
I think you get the picture.

Now I'm not meaning to whine about the unfairness of it all but I think we
need to continue to let manufacturers and service providers know about our
needs.  I'm now still kicking myself for not getting an XM PCR when they
were available.  Finally, I think XM is a great service and I hope we can do
something about not only the web site but the radios as well.


At 11:04 AM 1/8/2005, you wrote:
>I have the "XM Online"..and don't think the quality is bad at all!
>Have been listening through my FM transmitter to the "fifties channel.
>I get bumped off now and then.  But all in's pretty good; just
>wish they'd make that player more "screenreader friendly!"
>Tom Kaufman
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Karl Smith, Assistive Technology Consultant
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