I wouldn't go below 48. I hear too many artifacts at 32.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Jerry Richer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 30, 2004 6:56 AM
Subject: Re: Talking books todigital files
Peter! I haven't recorded a talking book from cassette to my computer
in quite a while so I don't remember the exact settings I used. With Sound
Forge set to record at 11,025 samples per second, 16 bit, stereo I would
record a talking book cassette played in an ordinary stereo cassette player.
I could only do one side of a cassette at a time. After recording I would
have a recording where two tracks played together and at twice their normal
speed. With Sound Forge I could separate the tracks and slow them down. I
always used Pitch Shift to slow them down but others use resampleing. I
guess if I were doing it today I would record at 44,100 in order to preserve
as much of the audio quality as possible. I would let the MP3 conversion
handle all the file compression. For MP3s of speech files today I routinely
use 32 KBPS. If you can't figure out part of this feel free to let me know.
I'd have to play a little to remember how some of this is done.
Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays.
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