Hi Gerry,

How do I get to recording properties, and to play back properties?

the place I can go to change recording source is in

"recording source and parameters", and I was able to record Jaws with
eloquence, and line-in, but this option did not pick the microphone up. I
selected "Mixed output",

the other options I have in this dialogue are

Mixed output

My sound card is

CB AudioPCI 64V, I think.

Antonio M. Guimaraes Jr.

Īt's not enough to be American, you always have to be something else:
Irish-American, German-American... And you wonder how they'd get along if
someone hadn't invented the hifen."
Frank McCourt, in his book Tis
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Richer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <Pc-audio@pc-audio.org>
Sent: Saturday, December 25, 2004 7:48 AM
Subject: Re: Total recorder recording question

>      Antonio!  It is possible to record from the Line In and Microphone
> simultaneously.  What Sound Card do you have.  In most cases you would
> select "What You Hear" or "Mixer" or "Stereo Mixer" from the Recording
> properties then check the Line Level and Microphone in the Playback
> Properties.
>      Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays.
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