Hi, John here

I'm also using MP 10 myself, the way I access anything like that is I go to
the View menu I think it is called anyway the second menu is what I mean and
arrow down to the sub menu option that says Go to: press arrow right once
and arrow down till you come to Radio and then press enter and then you will
be returned to windows media player and hopefully you will be in the radio
station list with my one when I do that, I always end up straight away in
the radio stations list

I hope this has helped

Please get back to me if I can be any more help

>From John and guide dog Iris
E-mail Address:
----- Original Message -----
From: <

To: "PC audio discussion list. " <

Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 2004 12:52 AM
Subject: Is there Any direct key command 2 go quickly 2 list of
radiostations in MediaPlayer Playlist?

> Hi,
> I am still seeking an  answer if there is a reliable commandto go directly
> into the list of radio stations stored in
> My Playlists?
> Every mmethod I have tried with media Player 10  does not work reliably
> hence why I am asking again.
> Many thanks.
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