Hello Kevin,
Thank you for your thoughts on this program.
I think it's very interesting how it works, and I'd like to try it out.
But before I do, I plan to do more research on it.
I have checked out that Super Nova site before, and I don't like it.  I seem
to have a lot of trouble with it.  The site is updated every 20 minutes.
However, the page refreshes rather frequently.  Plus, my computer seems to
freeze up a lot, when at this site.
I find it rather difficult to deal with.
Thanks again for your thoughts, I do appreciate it.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Kevin Lloyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 4:24 PM
Subject: Re: Bitorint

> Terri,
> I only have a little knowledge about bit torrent but the way it works is
> that you can only download those files that have been uploaded using bit
> torrent so you'd need to find a site with enough variety to fulfil your
> requirements.  www.suprnova.org I think is one of the more well known.
> You can search on bit torrent using google and you'll find some useful
> information.  I did this when I was curious as to why so much data was
> uploaded from my son's machine while he was downloading.  This is due to
> way in which bit torrent works.  It uploads fragments of the file that
> you're downloading so that others can download those fragments making the
> whole thing nore efficient.  That said, even with a fast broadband
> connection, download times are long.
> You don't have an interface as such, bit torrent installs in a simillar
> manner to a download manager and runs in the background so effectively
> you're just downloading a file in the normal way you'd download any file
> from any site.
> By the way, there's no spyware either.
> Kevin
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "TerriStimmel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2004 2:40 AM
> Subject: Bitorint
> > Hello everyone,
> > I know I'm not spelling this right, but what is bittorent?
> > How does it work?  And what makes it different from other programs out
> > there?
> > Such programs as Direct Connect, WinMX, and so on.
> > I am using windows XP pro, and Jaws 5.1.
> > How accessible is this program.
> > See, I'm wanting to be able to download TV series, and movies, but I'm
> > sure how to go about finding such things.
> > Someone recommended this program.
> > Is there a website I can go to, in order to learn more about it?
> > Thanks,
> > Terri
> >
> >
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