If you ask me, The answer to what you want is No!
You will have to type it the old fashion way.
Maybe in 10 or 20  years from now, we might have the technology to do what you 
are looking for.

----- Original Message ----- From: "Victory Associates LTD, Inc." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, November 18, 2004 10:53 PM

Howdy Jerry??  Your response to my inquiry picks my interest.  Ok, where can
I get a demo copy of Naturally Speaking to play with??  How much does it

And, if I CONVERT THE MP3 AUDIO to Plain Text, can I edit the text??

Here's my dilemma and I hope this sheds some more light on what I am trying
to accomplish; the pastor of a church where I serve as one of the audio
tekkies wants me to TRANSCRIBE each Sunday's recorded messages; he wants to
MAKE BOOKLETS of his messages.  Because of work commitments and other
related activities, I DO NOT HAVE THE TIME to listen to each tape and then
type out what I hear; besides, he makes so many GRAMMATICAL ERRORS that I
don't want to deal with if I can avoid it.  So, I am planning on recording
the taped messages to my computer using either GoldWave or SoundForge in MP3
format; the recording will then RECONVERTED to Plain Text and edited.  I
feel this would make the work go a little faster.

Do you surmise that Naturally Speaking will make this a snap??

If so, I'd like to play with a demo.  Mega thanks and I am still open to


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