Hi Kevin,

It is worth contacting Hagger Electronics because if they don't have one of
these leadfs on the shelf, they will make one up for you to any length and be
able to advise you on the matter of any impedance mismatch or not as the case
might be. Please see details below.

Hagger Electronics, 
Unit 22, 
Business Centre West, 
Avenue One, 
Letchworth Garden City, 
Hertfordshire SG6 2HB 
Tel: 01462 677 331 
Fax: 01462 675 016
Web Site: http://www.hagger.co.uk

Good luck and Kindest Regards,
Ibby Karbhari - Director
Moving-Mountains Technology Limited
226B Westbourne Park Road, London W11 1EP.
All Sales: 020 7243 0510 - All Support: 020 7243 0500.
Opening Hours: Monday-Friday 9AM-5PM. Saturdays 9AM-12PM (UK Time)

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of Caroline Ford
Sent: 08 November 2004 20:54
To: PC audio discussion list. 
Subject: RE: headphones adaptor


The RNIB used to sell an adaptor which would allow you to connect one pair of
headphones to two devices so that the output of one came out of the left-hand
side and the output of the other came out of the right.  I used to have one
several years ago.  I don't know if they still sell them, but it might be worth
giving them a ring if you can't find one anywhere else.

Good luck,


-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of kevin and emma
Sent: 06 November 2004 16:31
Cc: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: headphones adaptor

sorry for cross posting but this is driving me mad! okay i have a small adaptor
which allows me to connect 2 pairs of headphones to one audio device. what i'm
looking for is something to do the opposite, namely connect 2 audio devices to
one pair of headphones. can anyone tell me if such a thing exists? and where i
might find one? even what it might be called would help! email or msn
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cheers - kevin

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