Does it have a microphone jack?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Sun Sparkle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 8:43 PM
Subject: Re: Need reccomendations on boomboxes

please tell us more about this unit can it play mp3 cds ? what is the price
of this unit? where can you get this unit?
----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, November 06, 2004 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: Need reccomendations on boomboxes

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May I suggest that you take a look at the Panasonic RX-ED50.

Now firstly, it doesnt' have an analog tuner but its very sensitive and
easy to operate, perfectly accessible for blind people.

The sound is excellent as the units speakers are inclosed in their own
cabinets, (by that I don't mean that the speakers are detachible).

The unit is wider than it is high.

The power of the unit is very good! at around 20 watts RMS per channel.

I can give further details of this unit if you're interested.

Its the best boom box (or "POWER BLASTER" as Panasonic prefers to call it)
I've ever seen and it consists of twin cassette decks, radio and CD

At 04:39 PM 11/6/2004, you wrote:
Hello everyone,
Recently, my boombox took a fall, and in the fall the door to my CD player
came off. And I can't get the tape deck to record from the radio anymore,
though all other functions of the tape deck still work.
So I am now trying to find a new one.
I've looked at some at Wal-mart and Target, and I'm really not that happy
with how most of them look, or how they are set up. I hate that
is so digital now.
I bought a Sony one, but I'm not that pleased with it and I'm planning to
take it back.
The cd player and tape deck are nice, though the tape deck is set up
But my main dislike with it, is that it's not the easiest thing to figure
But also, the stations don't seem to come in that well.
On my old analog boombox, which I got about 1997, or 1998, was wonderful.
It picked up stations well, and it had good base to it.
Although, over the years, it seemed to lose a bit of sound quality, and I
noticed that the tape deck was starting to make a bit more noise than it
used to.
But other than that, it was great.
I believe it was either made by Philips, or Magnavox. But I'm not real
I'd like a boombox that will work just as well. But I don't want one that
uses menus, if possible. Nor do I want it to have a clock, as that's just
I'm looking for one that will have a good quality tape deck in it. One
will sound good, whether you are recording from the radio, or a cd.
I want one that has good sound quality, and that can pick up FM stations
I want it to have a nice and simple cd player, not one that can do 100
things.  Although, if I could be able to record from cd, to tape, then
would be nice.
I'm not looking for something that's going to be real expensive, as I just
couldn't afford that.
But something around $100, on down, won't be too bad.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I'm not looking to buy one online, because I want to be able to go and
at it, and listen to it if possible.
Any thoughts on this will be much appreciated.
Thank you,

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