Before running Ad-Aware, did you first check for updates? Of course you did! Right? Okay. Did you do a full scan? Well, yes I did! Okay. How about this? Did you scan for and remove negligible entries? ...just a thought...

Lou Novath
----- Original Message ----- From: "brian_dalton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Pc-audio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2004 7:12 AM
Subject: internet radio

Hi all,

I installed real player v10.5
during the instillation I noticed something about autofill. However, I did
not hear the full message.
I later uninstalled this as I wasn't happy with it.

when I now try and connect to radio stations on the web, I get a message
saying autofill media blocked option and when I press enter on this, the
station begins to play.
note, I did not get this autofil option message when trying to play radio
stations before installing real player 10.5.

after I uninstalled this, I ran add aware and it removed one piece of
spyware from my pc.

I went into security in internet tools/options but could not shed any light
on it.

has anyone any ideas about this autofil media blocking option?


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