
This has probably been answered as I've been away for a week and haven't yet gone through all of my email, but I have found that data cd's work just fine for making audio cd's. I don't think that there is really much of a difference. Maybe its a way to charge more. I've made several audio cd's from quote unquote data cd's and they play just fine in my car player, in my bose accoustic wave, and in my walkman style porrtable cd player. Just stick with a name that you know, and you should be fine.

> At 09:23 PM 10/19/2004, Mary Ellen Earls spake thusly:-
Hi guys
I have a radio broadcast file which I would like to put on cd. The only kind of cds I have are data cds and this does have lots of talking and music. Is it ok to use such a type of cd to do this or do I need to get music cds to do this?

Mary Ellen Earls
Remember! Today is the Tomorrow you thought about yesterday.

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