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On Mon, 25 Oct 2004, Gary Wood wrote:
Hi Bryan. But that's what the head of Premier Assistive Technologies said when he was at the For the People site. He said that there's no reason that people over at Roxio or Nero should have to completely change a program when they're supposed to be upgrading it. It seems like to me that all an upgrade is supposed to be is just adding more to the bottom of a program, instead of completely writing a whole new program.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Olesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 25, 2004 7:16 AM
Subject: Re: Best software to burn a cd
Hi all,
It's really just a question of what you started with. grin We all have our conservative habbits. :-)
Years ago I did love adaptech easy cd creater no actually even more years ago it was called correl cd creater grin, but that's a long story.
But when they released roxio cd creater 5 I had to learn it all over again. My sighted friends used to talk so much about this new Nero, so I decided to give it a try. And oh yes 5.5 did a nice job. I found that the wizzard got me up and running in no time, so I decided to go the Nero route.
Then version 6 was released and we all had to start over again getting to know a quite new application.
At that time there was no serious alternative as I'd dropped CD creater, so I choose to stay with the old 5.5 version for a period of time.
But nowadays I'm more into dvd creating and therefore I had to find a more modern program to suit my needs, so Nero got into play again.
I'm looking at Nero 6.5 now and when I first got to know the new wizard there's only afew keypresses before you can start burning a disk. But I think we would all agree that it's a bit of a nightmare every single time they decide to totally redesign the userinterface.
Best regards Brian
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