Hi there Brian.

this really sounds like it for each time I re-boot, the problem re-occurs.. You said that I had forgotten to disable the Winamp Agent. Can you tell me Brian how to do this. Thanks.

Best wishes.

Andy from sunny Kilcreggan.

Drop me a line at, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----- Original Message ----- From: "Brian Olesen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 6:55 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with Radio Broadcast Links.

it's because you have forgotten to disable the winamp agent.
It resets the file types at reboot.

Best regards
----- Original Message ----- From: "Andy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 2:52 PM
Subject: Re: Problem with Radio Broadcast Links.

Hi Milton and Aymeric.

I get the same problem in Windows Media Player 9 and 10. My brother Peter, who lives in Canada, came up with what looked like an obvious solution, but alas, after reboot, the problem came back. This is Peter's advice:

"Hi Andrew,
Like I said I managed to create your problem on my own computer. Every
time I hit Radio Clyde 2 I was asked to download a file. What I did was as I
had said before. Go into Winamp and select file types. None button. Then I
downloaded that little stream file. I went into the folder where it was
downloaded, highlighted it and hit the right windows application key. This
opened the applications pull down menu and I selected Open With and hit
enter. I then arrowed down to Choose program. From the choice of programs I
selected Media Player then tabbed to the check box that says, always use
this program for this kind of file. I checked it and moved to the OK button.
Then I went back into my radio links, selected Radio Clyde 2 and it opened
and played in Media Player. I could not get it to play in winamp.


Best wishes.

Andy from sunny Kilcreggan.

Drop me a line at, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----- Original Message ----- From: "Aymeric Vildieu" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "'PC audio discussion list. '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, October 22, 2004 1:15 PM
Subject: RE: Problem with Radio Broadcast Links.

Well, it should work then.
the problem is that real player 10.5 is a beta version. Which means that there might be a bug somewhere but then I use it too and it works.
At 20:18 21/10/2004 -1000, Milton M. Ota wrote:
I have my display set for 16 bit color and I'm using Realplayer 10.5,
the free version.

I have all file types supported by Realplayer selected. I also have
Windows Media Player 10 installed.

I'm running windows XP Home Edition on a Pentium 3 system. Using JFW
5.10.383Q and Window eyes Version 4.5 SP4.

Hope this information helps.

Aloha, Milton M. Ota Associate Dealer, Hawaii Island Computer Access Now, I.C.A.N. 1318 Kanewai Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1718 Phone: (808)734-0612 Cell: (808)295-2528 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Website: http://www.hgea.org/~mota Skype: Milton52

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 2:12 AM
To: PC audio discussion list.
Subject: Re: Problem with Radio Broadcast Links.

Hi again Milton.

Can you tell me if you are using the Standard Display settings within
operating system, or like myself, have changed this to High Contrast
2?  I ask because I unselected all file types within preferences of
MP9 and
my problem seems, at the moment, to have been fixed.

Best wishes.

Andy from sunny Kilcreggan.

Drop me a line at, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
----- Original Message -----
From: "Milton M. Ota" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "'PC audio discussion list. '" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 5:01 PM
Subject: RE: Problem with Radio Broadcast Links.

I just manually loaded your URL from your message and it loaded in Realplayer 10 for me with no problems.

Not sure what could be going on.

Aloha, Milton M. Ota Associate Dealer, Hawaii Island Computer Access Now, I.C.A.N. 1318 Kanewai Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-1718 Phone: (808)734-0612 Cell: (808)295-2528 E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Website: http://www.hgea.org/~mota Skype: Milton52

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Andy
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 3:49 AM
Subject: Problem with Radio Broadcast Links.

Hi all.

I'm creating a home page on my computer with links to various radio
stations, so that I can listen to streaming radio through my computer,
and possibly, record using goldwave, broadcast material.

My problem is when I click on a URL for some radio stations, I get the

following message from my computer. "The file your downloading cannot
be opened by the default program.  It is either corrupted or it has an
incorrect filetype.  As a security precaution, it is recommended  that
you cancel the download"  I then get an option to Save the file in My
Documents or Cancel.

I'm using Real Player 10 and think that perhaps I need to adjust some
setting in there to allow the download and listening of this file.

In case I am making an error with the code, I've copied one of the
URL'S below.

href="http://streams.interoutemediaservices.com/clients/srh/clyde1.asx";>Clyde 1.</a>

Any advise or ideas would be very welcomed as I'd really like to
complete this particular project.

Best wishes.

Andy from sunny Kilcreggan.

Drop me a line at, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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