What I recommend is this. After you hit delete, hit control+shift+right arror a bunch of times. This moves your finis marker to the right, but leaves your start marker where it was. Then hit F4 to start blaying from the start marker position, and while it's playing hit control+a to reset both markers. Now you should be rolling.


Bruce Toews
E-mail and MSN/Windows Messenger: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web Site (including info on my weekly commentaries): http://www.ogts.net
For the best oldies anywhere visit http://www.treasureislandoldies.com

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004, Morey Worthington wrote:

I have copied some 45RPM records in succession.
Using Goldwave to remove the needle noises and so between songs. I set the
markers using the bracket keys and then delete the sound in-between OK.
Now the problem.
I understand I cannot just press the F7 key to keep on playing because there
is nothing selected.
I then press the Ctrl/A key to move the markers back to the start and end of
the file.
How can I then get the file to play from where I just removed
theselected/deleted area?
The only way I can get the file to play is to start the whole file over with
the F4 key.
Any suggestions?

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