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hmmm! quite a few different models around, starting from
$150.00 up to around about $650.00.

At 06:40 PM 21/10/2004 +1000, you wrote:
So what would I be looking at for the minidisk machine?
- ----- Original Message ----- From: "Dane Trethowan"
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, October 21, 2004 6:22 PM
Subject: Re: For Listers in Australia

Well... I guess it depends on how much you're prepared to pay.

For example, if you got one of the Sony Minidisc Netman recorders you
could export your files however they're going to set you back a bit
but (having said that) you'll get a far better recording of your
lecture than you would get out of say one of these voice recorders
around  These things have digital voice activation which incorporates
a buffer so you don't miss anything when the machine resumes from
standby mode, I use one here with LINUX but they come with accessible
software for Windows.

The other things to look at may be Panasonics range of SD-RAM

I know someone who uses an Iriver recorder/player to record his
meetings, he uses LYNUX to export his notes to his computer so I
cannot tell you whether or not the IRIVER has software compatible
with the Windows XP operating system as I don't use one of these
devices myself.

Of course! if all digital options fail you could rely on the good
old-fashioned way of doing things.  Sony for instance, have a walkman
with a half-speed with built-in speakers, tuner etc so it would be a
simple matter of connecting this to a sound card, setting a timer and
using your recording software.

At 07:44 PM 20/10/2004 +1000, you wrote:
Want to purchase an accessible digital recorder for lecturers. The
ones I have checked so far have had unuseable menu systems and were
unable to export to a PC.
Any suggestions?

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