Mimi, you have provided me with information that will be most helpful when I
attempt to copy cassettes to my computer.

Thank you very much.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "mimi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "PC audio discussion list. " <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 10:14 AM
Subject: To all who are interested

> To those of you interested in encoding:
> When you record from VCR, or another
> source, I suggest you have a receiver
> with several sources that allows you to
> plug in your equipment that you will be
> recording from into your sound card.  I
> do this because volume between different
> components vary greatly.  The VCR might
> be too loud, or another piece of
> equipment might be too soft.  The
> receiver allows me to regulate the
> volume to the various components I
> record from into the soundcard.  Also,
> someone told me that the sound card is
> 600 ohms and the regular stuff we use is
> 8 ohms.  The receiver works nicely to
> balance out the various pieces and I
> listen through headphones a lot into the
> card anyway.  The VCR has RCA jacks,
> like the other person said.  The NLS
> tape player and talking book disc player
> has earphone jacks.  So, some of my
> patch cords have to have the 1/8 plug on
> the end while others have both that and
> RCA plugs.  You must have a stereo patch
> cord line-in jack on the back of
> soundcard. in my case, being the Sound
> Blaster live it is the second one from
> the left.  Make sure you bring in as
> much highs as possible during your
> encoding or your material will be
> muffled.  You want the best sound
> possible.
> I respond to those of you who asked me
> questions.  Why should one of you tell
> me off in broken English?  Come on, now!
> Mimi
> and plug this into the lin-i
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